Gwen, the amazing author of Movies, Silently has generously awarded me a Liebster Award!
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Joe, go in and buy some film for the camera and take a picture of me and my award! |
Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:
1. List 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer 11 questions posed by the blog who awarded you the Liebster
3. Create 11 questions for the blogs you will pass the Liebster on to
4. Nominate 11 more blogs for the Liebster award.
11 Facts About Me1. I am left-handed.
2. If you love me, you will buy me a bottle of Cristal champagne.
3. My current favorite perfume is Living Colorfully by Kate Spade.
4. There can never be too many baguette diamonds.
5. My favorite female singer is Ella Fitzgerald.
6. I hate getting up in the morning (why does the bed always feel so good when you have to get up?).
7. The Keurig coffee maker has dramatically improved my quality of life.
8. I don't Tweet. I won't Tweet.
9. I always like the bad boys.
10. I am nuts for BBC America series Black Orphan, Copper & Ripper Street.
11. I rarely follow the rules exactly as written.
Gwen's 11 questions:
1. What is one of your favorite “show, don’t tell” movie moments? You know, moments that really symbolize the characters, mood or setting without dialogue or narration.
The final scene of “Cinema Paradiso” : no words are necessary.
2. Name five of your favorite film scores.
Love me Tonight : Rodgers & Hart
Gigi: Lerner & Lowe
3. What was your favorite childhood game?
Childhood covers such a long period of time, but I'll go with Monopoly: I always wanted to be the one with Boardwalk & Park Place (plus I loved the diamond ring in between).
4. What really weird food did you like as a kid?
My favorite sandwich was peanut butter and butter. There can never be too much butter (or cholesterol)!
5. What decade of the 20th century exemplifies coolness to you?
The 1960s beyond all doubt.
6. Name three underrated movies/books/albums that you think everyone should see/read/listen to. (Choose three of the same or mix and match!)
The White Hotel by D.M. Thomas
Avalon (2001)
Make Way for Tomorrow (1937)
7. What music would you like to have played every time you enter a room?
Toss up between Elvis Presley singing "Hard Headed Woman" or Jerry Lee Lewis singing "Whole Lotta Shakin Goin' On."
8. What is your favorite thing to cook?
The books. My oven is storage space.
9. The store you lose yourself in is ________.
Anthropologie - truly irresistible.
10. How do you eat Oreos? (Or the #1 goodie in your country if you are not in the U.S. )
Split, lick and devour.
11. How did you decide on the name of your blog?
I adore Norma Desmond and how she was devoted to all of us wonderful people out there in the dark. I thank my lucky (silver screen) stars every day!
Now, as you already know, I never quite follow all directions as written, so here's the twist:
Instead of composing 11 questions for 11 bloggers, I am going to ask you to tell me something about yourself that you are just dying to disclose and I am just longing to know (movie-related or otherwise).
And, instead of nominating 11 bloggers, I am going to ask you all to swing over to the Classic Movie Blog Association website and check out the best movie blogs on the web. They are all award winning! Just click HERE and get blissfully lost in the topics you love best.

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