Working my way through the decades, here are the scary seven:
Max Schrek
I realize that this is make-up and F.W. Murnau's vision of a vampire, but this guy has haunted my dreams from the minute I saw him. The only difference between him and those that follow on my list: he means to scare me!
Lillian Gish
She is awfully pretty and can act up a storm, but she seems so disapproving. Lillian comes across as self-righteous and those are the scariest people of all. A little chill goes down my spine when I see her.
Plus, she makes me nervous.
Marlene Dietrich
Now I know people just adore her, but she scares me! Maybe it's the cheekbones, but she seems really mean.Wallace Beery
I am not buying that sloppy, sentimental stuff he puts across. This in one plain mean guy and he scares me! Bad vibes all around.
Joan Crawford
I know, I know... such an obvious choice. I am truly learning to love her through the 30s, but what the hell happened in the late 40s? Too much freaky makeup and way too intense. Sorry.
I really do feel badly about this one and promise to try and overcome this.
Joseph Cotten:
Again, no good reason except that I saw him in "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte" as a kid and still can't get the image of him crawling up the stairs from the grave. He is in several of my favorite movies ("Gaslight", "Shadow of a Doubt" and "The Third Man"), but he still gives me the shivers. Maybe I'm seasick from those waves in his hair...
George C. Scott
Okay - this guy really scares me. I know he's a great actor, but every time I see him I feel like I am getting yelled at. Enough, already.
And here's one star who never scares me!
Happy Halloween from Clara Bow & FlickChick!
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